Dr. Kenneth Wingrove

Doctor of Chiropractics

Talk to Dr. Wingrove

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Dr. Ken attended both Shiprock Community College and WTAMU later obtaining his postgraduate Doctor of Chiropractic from Parker University in Dallas. While in his doctorate program, he focused extra attention on pediatric care and functional nutrition. Before graduating in 2010 he had gained more than 400 hours of additional training on those subjects. Dr. Ken is an avid reader and studies on his own and in continuing education classes almost constantly.


After graduation, he has continued to study nutrition, immunology, neurology, movement pattern evaluation, spinal decompression, and a host of autoimmune disorders. He constantly works to better his own adjusting technique and prides himself on his attention to detail, excellent care, and fast results. He has extremely high customer service expectations and takes pride in his exceptional clinic environment and staff. Aside from spending time taking care of his patients, he helps his wife home school four children. With the help of his wife he plans to open a center for tutoring individuals gifted with dyslexia, a little understood and overlooked learning disability that can be overcome if students are taught in the right way. Most of his time away from the clinic is spent traveling in the US and in Africa on missions work. While in West Africa Dr Ken works to spread the good news about Jesus and His love.


He is known for speaking kind words that bring encouragement and confidence wherever he goes and is often consulted for advice regarding the challenges of life. He also works to make younger doctors masters in their field and successful by supporting and building them up into their full potential. He believes that servant hood and example are the best forms of leadership.

Why I got into Chiropractics


You don't realize how simple, wonderful, and free you feel without pain until you hurt, then suddenly, nothing else matters. After trying to maneuver a rented 600-lb party inflatable into the back of my Dodge, I instantly knew something bad had happened. I was 22-years old and after that I couldn’t put on my pants without help. I recall the awful worrisome thoughts like, “What have I done to myself? Will I be able to work again? What about lifting and playing with my kids?!”I had a real crisis on my hands, but I had a plan. A few years before I hurt myself, a friend of mine had to move in with me. He had been suffering with back pain for several years.


Long enough that he was no longer able to walk on his own and moved in with me so I could bring him meals in bed and help him shower and dress while he waited agonizing days for spinal surgery. I helped him recover after surgery, but he was never able to regain the use of his left foot. During his stay with me I said to myself. If I ever get hurt I'm getting help right then.


Well..... I got better, but it took a year and half for me to recover. A good friend of mine calls that a “character building experience.” Having gone through all that, I am highly motivated to get people out of pain and back to feeling good again as fast as they can. I can imagine you reading this....Toughing it out for months or even years. Having to grit your teeth in pain during your morning commute or keeping the pace up at your work. Worst of all, making the hardest decision, should you get down on the floor to play with the kids or sit this one out.


No one deserves the trials of long term back pain because the personal short term experience is rough enough. I’ve now been a chiropractor for 6 years and because I remember my personal “back pain” story I make sure my patients are on the fast track to their own recovery.


If you’ve been suffering too, and you’ve reached that point of worry and frustration, I may be able to fast track your recovery and get you feeling good again. If you are saying to yourself, “It’s not like me to feel like this.” You are right. If you are telling yourself, “I’ll just wait a bit longer and this will get better.” This is important, pain is there for a reason. Something is wrong.


You have 1000 things to do and 100 people to get them done for. The bottom line is, you need to win this battle and feel like you again. You can feel good again. You can feel rested and energetic. But how do you find the best treatment for you?


I have been there. I have had to make that choice with no help and little understanding about what was going on other than that I needed help. I have learned something that may help you. Let's call it an “eye opener.” This is it, right now you are taking the first step to getting better.


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Dr. Kenneth Wingrove D.C.

U.S. 491 & NM Hwy 64, Ste.6&7

Shiprock, NM 87420


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